Cleaning your home, office, any room.
Ingredients: powerful anti-demonic herbs (6 pcs), Thursday salt, cleansing oils, 100% wax, natural thread, black natural wick.
size: 26 x 5 cm, burn-in time 1.5-2 hours.
As a result, the negative leaves the room, the microclimate is cleared, relationships are improved, people stop swearing and getting sick, conflict and oppression disappear.
It is advisable to additionally harmonize the house after cleansing with the ′Harmonization′ candle (last photo). The house becomes cozy, harmonious and comfortable. And ideally, at the end of everything, put protection. Here is a set of works will be the most correct.
Purification is ideal to carry out before major holidays: New Year, DR, religious holidays, the Wheel of the Year