Basic Actions
1. Why the registration is needed?
Why the registration is needed?

Registration gives the opportunities:

- To leave the feedback about the product that will influence the craftsman’s rating and will help other Customers to decide on the choice of craftsman/product;

- To save the history of orders and dialogues;

- To collect the products to “Favourites”;

- To communicate with friends, share experience in the sphere of handmade with colleagues on the site.
2. How to buy at the Platform?
How to buy at the Platform?
At the Platform you can purchase handmade gifts, folk art and handicraft samples, and handmade.

Pay attention that at the Platform you buy products directly from the Seller without fees, so it is better to discuss all the details directly with the Seller.

Making orders through the correspondence, without making them through the site, is a violation of Terms of Rules of the Platform. All the orders must be made completely in the site system.

To make an order:

Step 1

Add products you are interested in to the cart. Click “Add to Cart” button on the page of the chosen product.

Step 2

To proceed to checkout, click “Proceed to Checkout” button or “Cart” button

To remove a product from the Cart, click “Remove” button

To buy a product later, click “Buy Later” button, the product will appear in the list of “Favorites”.

Select the quantity of item units. Click “Checkout” button

Step 3

If you have not been registered at the Platform before - take a short registration. If you already have an account at the Platform - authorize and proceed to the next step. If you have already logged in, skip this step.

If you don’t receive a confirmation code on your email when you sign up, check your Spam folder

Step 4

Please provide the additional information to your order if necessary, leave a comment or question to the order.

Specify the delivery address. If this is your first order, click ′Add′ and specify the data required for the delivery (you can separately specify the data for address delivery or for the delivery to the postal office).

When you have completed filling the required information, click “Save” and select the shipping method, click “Continue”.

Please re-check all the specified data.
Select a payment method and click “Checkout”. The functionality of choosing the payment method is still in development, so you can click “Checkout” at once. The payment method should be discussed directly with the Seller.

Pay attention!
After checkout, until the order is not paid for, all the other orders made from the same Seller will be automatically added to the existing order.

When the order is completed, the Seller will receive notification about it and will contact you at the specified phone number or write a message at the Platform.

You can also write to the Seller using “Write Message” button on the Seller’s profile-shop page or on “My Orders” page.

If something does not suit you during the discussion of the order - it can be cancelled.

You can see the order status information as well as the history of changes using the “Details” button.

The basic information about the Seller has been added to the order field.
To read it, click “…” next to the Seller′s name.

To track a package after you have paid for your order, click the “Track Package” button

When the order is completed, don’t forget to leave the feedback.

You can change your feedback about the Sellers and their products on your own.

To change the feedback to an order, click “Show Feedback”, and then click “Edit”. Edit the feedback text and click “Edit”.
3. What mean «Order status»
What mean «Order status»
There are 5 statuses of order:

1. Awaiting Approval (New order)

After order was made, seller receives SMS and E-mail and should confirm the order within 48 hours.

If your order wasn′t confirmed within 48 hours - please contact Administration.

2. Awaiting payment (Approved)

On this status, order was confirmed by the Seller and he ready to discuss with Customer additional details if needed.

Customer or Seller still can cancel the order if needed. Also on this stage you can be changed products amounts, shipping sum, add or delete product to the order.

Custome should pay on this stage.

3. Awaiting sending (Payed)

Means that Seller received the payment and you order is preparing for shipping.

4. Awaiting close (Sent)

Means that Seller sent the order to provided address and order awaiting to be close.

To track your parcel please use button «Track Package»

5. Closed

Means that the purchase is over and order is closed.

Important! Only when the order was closed, Customer can add a review

More details - How to add a Review ?

There is one more order status - Order canceled. This status means that the Seller cannot fulfil your order due to the reasons mentioned in the comments.

The history of order status changes you can look through by clicking on the button «Details»

4. Search: categories, filters and keywords
Search: categories, filters and keywords
It is possible to find the products on the site with the help of three independent ways:

1. Search by products’ sections and categories. For example: “Bracelets”, “Accessories”, “Kitchen”, “Decor”, and by subcategories - “Embroidered shirts” , “Easter eggs”, “Jewelry boxes” and so on.

2. Search in the Catalogue with the help of filters by product readiness, technologies, material, style, color and other filters.

3. Search by keywords - field “Search by products”.

5. What is the type of product?
What is the type of product?
The type of product - information for the customer; points at presence/absence of product , availability unavailability of order and also the conditions of order.

“In stock” - the product is available and ready for the sale ( the time indication of the product’s preparation is not demanded).

“Order” - the ready product is not available but the craftsman can create the same copy for the specified period of time (the time indication of the product’s preparation is obligatory).

“As an example” - the ready product is not available and craftsman cannot make the same copy but it is possible to order something similar on the basis of this product for the specified period of time (the time indication of the product’s preparation is obligatory).

6. How to add a Review ?
How to add a Review ?

Important! Only when the order was closed, Customer can add a review

Step 1: Go to the section «My orders”

Step 1: If you received your order click «Close Order». Then click «Write a review»

Step 3: Choose the type of the review (positive or negative), enter the text of the review and click on the button «Save».

7. What is rating and what it depends on?
What is rating and what it depends on?
The fixation of the Seller’s rating is done to increase the Customers’ trust to the Sellers.

Rating consists of:

1. Points received for marks “Like” (“Hearts”) (1 mark - 1 point*)
The quantity of marks - is the quantity of times when the users of the site added your product, article or collection to their section Favourites.
*If the user unchecks “Like” - rating is reduced by 1 point.

2. Points for feedback to the orders ( the positive feedback adds 10 points to the rating*, the negative takes away 5 points) - ( read How to add a Review ? )
* The Customer can leave several feedbacks at once to several orders for the same product, but in this case the points are added/ taken away only once.

It is possible to consult the list of the Sellers of the Fair by rating in section Community - Members.
8. What is the user’s level?
What is the user’s level?
The user’s level - is the trust level of the Administration to seller.

There are three user’s levels:

1. NEW - is given to every user after the registration.

2. TRUSTED - means that the member stood the test and inspires trust.

3. PROBLEMATIC - is given in case of non-compliance with Platform Rules and receiving complaints from the Customers.

The level TRUSTED can be given to the members who:

1. Follow the rules of the Platform.
2. Do not have debts and fines.
3. Do not have complaints from the Customers.
4. Establish products according to the The rules of product’s addition

9. Why don′t I receive the email notifications?
Why don′t I receive the email notifications?

Email notifications come from the email address - robot@skrami.com and order@skrami.com

If you have difficulties with receiving the messages, it is necessary to add this email address to the list of the trusted in the settings of your email address.
10. How to sell at the Fair?
How to sell at the Fair?
The first step for the successful sales on the site - Registration.

To receive the opportunity to publish your products in the catalogue of the Fair, it is necessary to specify during the registration that you are a Seller. If you are already registered as a Customer- it is not a problem! The type of user can be changed in the Settings.

The button “Opportunities” will show what opportunities you will have at the Fair after the registration.

It is necessary to enter your email address and click on the button “Continue” to finish the registration.

You will get the code for the confirmation of the registration to the indicated email address, enter code and click “Continue”.

Publish your products in the shop.

How to add a Product?, The rules of product’s addition and other useful information read in the section Help.

When registering as Seller, you will get the free tariff plan “Beginner” automatically.

*The detailed information about tarifs you can find in the section “Tariff plans” after the registration as Seller.

11. My Files. How to attach the photo?
My Files. How to attach the photo?
The functional “My files” gives an opportunity to use the loaded files many times.

You can add the file on the page “Messages”- “Chat/Dialogue”.

Currently the attached files of 5 formats are supported: jpg (.jpeg), .png, .gif, .bmp и .pdf.
The maximal size of one file is 10MB.

Once the file is downloaded, it will appear in the list “My files”.

To attach the file to the message, you should choose it from the list.

The total size of “My files” for the customers - “30MB”, for the sellers/organizators - “50Mb”

For the optimization by default, the option “Optimize photos” is activated.
When loading the photo in format “JPG” or “JPEG”, the photo will be automatically shrunk to the size of 900 px in width. This option can be turned off.

To delete extra photos press the button “Manage Files”

Files can be loaded from computer or phone
12. Attaching the files through URL
Attaching the files through URL
Copy the direct link to the file

For example from the free photo upload service https://uk.imgbb.com

5 formats of file attachment is supported: .jpg (.jpeg), .png, .gif, .bmp и .pdf.

Attention! Indirect links to the files are not supported.

At the page “Chat/Dialogue” click on the corresponding button near the input field message and paste the link to the file.

If the file or the internal exile is attached to the message - the function of the preview of message before sending appears.

The quantity of attached files to the dialogue is displayed at the page “My messages”.

13. Notification settings
Notification settings
You can set up the notifications on the page Settings - Subscription and notifications.

You can set up the notifications on the site about:
- Blocking and unblocking of your account
- Change of user’s level
- Addition of your product to the collection
- Problems with your collections ( removal of the collection from publication if the collection is damaged)

Also you can set up the notifications through the email about:
- Order confirmation
- New messages
- Blocking and unblocking of your account
- Change of user’s level
- Addition of your product to the collection
- Problems with your collection

You can see the new messages by clicking on the button “Notifications”.

The read messages can be looked through by clicking on the button “All notifications”.

The info messages can be deleted by clicking on the appropriate button.

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