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17 Mar 2013

Lampwork (transcription of English lampwork - work with a burner) is a technology of glass treatment over the flame of a burner. In the modern handmade is usually used to create glass beads, details for accessories and little decorative figures.

This handicraft is not very popular due to several factors. First of all the special equipment is needed for lampwork: a propane or oxygen burner and also expensive raw materials. Moreover, tools and materials appropriate for technology are not sold in the usual art stores, and the person who suddenly decided to try a new technology will not find them at home for sure.

Many people are scared by the fact of working with glass and fire and also the need to get into many technical nuances - temperature requirements, the chemical composition of glass, etc. Though the masters claim that the technique is not so complicated, it is important to master just a number of nuances.

There are three types of burners used for lampwork - propane, oxygen and based on an oxygen concentrator. The latter are the most reliable and also the most expensive, the cylinders created for medical purposes are often used for them. The oxygen burners require strict compliance with safety regulations that is why it is better not to use them. The optimal option for the beginners is propane equipment.

Except the burner the craftsman of the lampwork will also need: a metal support for the equipment, a metal blade and other tools for processing the beads (they are like the dental ones), a metal rod for working on the burner, a separator (special substance) for processing the rod, safety glasses and a ceramic mat for rolling glass. Experienced artisans also often use the press to mold beads.

Glass for lampwork is usually sold in the form of multicolored rods up to 30 cm, they are released in different colors. Glass bits (frits) are also used for decorating products. The raw materials cannot be used - the glass for processing should have the same COE, it is an expansion factor. Most often the glass with COE 96 and COE 104 produced in Murano – it is an island near Venice and it is considered to be one of the centers of glassmaking since the Renaissance.

The main drawback of lampwork is that this technique can harm health. During the work many poisonous fumes and dust are released; the separator for covering the metal rod is toxic; bead rolling mat contains carcinogens. Also the master of lampwork needs to put up with glass splinters and burns. The latter most often occur when glass ′shoots′ - this can be avoided by warming the rods in the oven or under a stream of hot water.

Considering all the cons, the lampwork is worthy of attention: after all, it allows to work with such a specific material as glass. Besides the technology gives almost unlimited space for fantasy and for implementation of ideas you need to master a small set of basic techniques.


Lampwork appeared not long ago and apparently arose as a result of the glassmakers’ experiments. As almost all glass processing technologies - from the ancient to the modern - are rather difficult, they require large equipment. Lampwork is an effort to ′domesticate′ glassmaking, to covert it to the format of a more or less available handmade.

The spread of the Internet played an important role in the popularization of the technology - more than for other types of handmade. In fact, most of the materials for lampwork can still be ordered only from abroad, and it is most convenient way to do this is through online shops.


Probably there are no techniques that a person can’t master on his own - the only question is at what cost. In lampwork the cut and try method will definitely be more expensive than the basic master class. Besides not many people can afford buying equipment and materials only to understand the technology and to figure it out for themselves.

One lesson may be enough to understand the way of work with glass and a burner and further it is possible to focus on master-classes in the Internet and sharpen your skills. However the first lesson and the first teacher are very important for a successful start.

Expenses and income

Lampwork is quite expensive in investments technology. The experienced masters say that it will take from 90 to 300 dollars to start - this amount will include the purchase of the necessary equipment, tools and a minimum amount of glass.

Most of the materials still have to be ordered from abroad. Nowadays there is a number of lampwork online-shops, their assortment may be enough for a beginner. But developing in this technology, you will still have to use the foreign resources in the search of new high-quality goods.

However all the expenses on lampwork will be quite justified if you build a business correctly. The advantage of the technology is that it is not very popular – it means that the competition in the market is lower. Besides you can sell both finished products and blanks for jewelry –it means that in the client base there will be not only ′the usual people,′ but also handmade masters.

12 Nov 2013, 20:03
Очень интересно почитать об этом удивительном виде творчества. По-моему там происходит настоящая магия.
26 Dec 2013, 20:25
Цікаво... гадаю цим хендмейдом теж займуся, щойно отримаю доступ до матеріалів)))
30 Apr 2015, 22:13
Вот интерестно, а попросить фото у авторов религия не позволила? или не хотелось указывать мастеров?
Так я помогу:
1. Елена Рапопорт с ученицей в своей московской мастерской
2. Андрей Миколенко, Киев
3. Катя Прийдан, Киев
4. Фомина Ольга, Харьков: skrynya.ua/fomina-folga-olga/
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