1. Open the window the screenshot of which you would like to make and click on the button «Print Screen» on your keyboard (sometimes it is called «PrntScrn», «PrtScn», «PrtScr» or «PrtSc»). So you will make a screenshot of the whole screen. When clicking on the key combination Alt PrtScn you make the screenshot only of the active window.
2. Open the graphics editor «Paint» on your computer. It can be done the following way: Start → Programs → Standard→ Paint. This is the standard program and every Windows user has it.
3. Paste the screenshot to the graphics editor with the help of key combination Ctrl V and the button “Add”.
4. If necessary, add text or highlight the definite elements of the picture.
5. Save the picture on your computer with the help of the key combination Ctrl C or by clicking on the button “Save”.
6. It is recommended to save the graphic files in JPG or JPEG formats.