
Which earrings are best for different face shapes

12 Sep 2022
The huge popularity of earrings is due to the fact that they, like no other accessory, can emphasize the color of the eyes, draw attention to the hair, and even correct the shape of the face.
For a round face. If the length and width of the face are almost the same, the chin is rounded, and the face is the widest in the cheekbones, you should choose elongated and thin earrings, “chain earrings”
and delicate “droplets” will do. A round face will be perfectly decorated with earrings of such geometric shapes as a rectangle and an inverted triangle. But with the choice of very large and round earrings, as well as studs, you need to be very careful, as such jewelry can emphasize the roundness of the shape of the face.
For a square face. With almost the same length and width of the face, if the chin is wide, angular (square) in shape, and the cheekbones, forehead and jaw are the same in width, drop earrings, smooth curved pendants, long earrings will do.
Intricate products and earrings with beautiful iridescent stones will also decorate a square face. You should not wear square jewelry with sharp corners and a rigid shape.
For a rectangular face. With a face length noticeably greater than the width, a very wide and angular chin, cheekbones of the same width, jaw and forehead, it is best to choose moderately large square or triangular earrings. Miniature delicate “droplets”, “carnations” and voluminous earrings are also perfect.
However, you should avoid flat and elongated jewelry, as well as chain earrings.
For a pear-shaped face. Owners of a trapezoidal face shape (the length is quite a bit more than the width, the chin is wide, the jaw is pronounced and is the widest part of the face; the shape of the face, starting from the jaw, gradually tapers towards the forehead) is better to opt for small earrings, elongated ′chains′ [3319873], small ′carnations′
. Do not wear massive and wide jewelry.
For a diamond face. On diamond-shaped faces (the length is slightly greater than the width, the chin has a clear pointed shape, the cheekbones are the widest part and are very often set high; the chin and forehead are usually conical) earrings with soft curves look ideal. These can be long and medium-length earrings in the form of ′droplets′, as well as earrings - ′chains′.
Diamond-shaped jewelry is not suitable.
For a triangular face. If the length of the face is quite a bit more than the width, the chin is noticeably pointed and is the narrowest part of the face, the forehead is the widest, in the shape of the face, starting from the forehead, gradually tapering to the chin, you need to choose small oval or round earrings. Both small “carnations” with stones and earrings of original shapes with sharp bends will also look beautiful.
Triangular and diamond-shaped pendant earrings should be avoided.
For an oval face. The most fortunate owners of an oval face (the length of the face is slightly greater than the width, the chin is slightly rounded, the forehead is slightly wider than the width of the jaw, the cheekbones are the widest part of the face).

With such a face, you can wear earrings of any shape, size and design. And the most ideal option is considered to be large jewelry in the form of an oval and earrings - rings.
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