
Improving the limbs of PSK crochet toys. More flexibility and mobility!

10 Jan 2022
This is not a Skyrider, but a real crash test dummy! (The ones that get into crashed cars)

Now we were testing new limbs on it. Since yoga is very familiar to us, then we also teach our creatures to be enviably flexible. This all is within the framework of the overarching concept of PSK creations, which we plan to present soon.

Meanwhile, the evolution of the limbs of a crocheted bull is in front of your eyes. Now its arms are lifted up to the sides, and his legs are spread out in breadth. Moreover, the following generations of these joinings will be even better. Apart from that, this is the first time we are reinforcing butterfly wings. Moreover, the wire serving that purpose is not made of copper, which is usually used for dolls, but of a stainless alloy; we will show the difference later in the video.

Also, for the first time, when washed, the nominally white yarn faded; not from hooves, but from foreign clothes. However, we are slowly removing recommendations for machine washing from our creations, leaving only delicate hand-washing. At the same time, we continue to play soccer by Skyraider himself and to be as tough as possible to be processed in the washing machine - for the sake of experience and the maximum understanding of his strength limits, and capabilities.

In general, this charming sufferer for the sake of science is doing well, although he looks rather tired. But such is the uneasy fate of the pioneers!

Thanks to all this, toys of new generations, the first of which are already being created, will demonstrate simply breathtaking flexibility, which will allow them to delight their owners even more!

Пожалуйста, делитесь Вашими лайками, комментариями, впечатлениями! ( ° ∀ ° )ノ゙
11 Jan 2022, 10:11
Скарайдера уже немножко жалко, но он по-прежнему мил)) Удачи вам и вдохновения!
Ирина Собко: его вчера купили, даже в таком состоянии)
На самом деле, я бы его даже подарил тому человеку, да только подарки часто ценят меньше, чем то, за что хотя бы немного заплатили.
Спасибо за визит! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
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